What We Do

UtmostU is a network of organizations & coaches committed to sharing best practices with a goal of unlocking opportunities for all young adults to achieve their education and career goals. 

How We Work


Offer structured guidance and resources designed to provide coaches a roadmap to support young adults on their journeys


Create a community of coaches focused on collaboration, sharing best practices and participating in robust training designed to increase the effectiveness of post-secondary coaches from your organization.


Provide an innovative tech platform and database with monthly fellow surveys to provide data insights into fellow progress and well-being


Curate resources focused on removing barriers and increasing success of fellows with a focus on mental health and career exploration and attainment

Who We Partner With 

Who we are fellow

General Resources

T-Mobile – T-Mobile donates lines for fellows to have access to unlimited talk, text & data. 

All Chicago – Student emergency fund that offers financial assistance to Chicago residents enrolled in Illinois colleges who face unexpected crises that could disrupt their education. 

Working Credit – Provide credit building education and access to the products people need to thrive financially. 

Mental Health

OpenSeat – 1:1 social-emotional coach for fellows providing additional support to our fellows and enhancing their overall well-being. 

Adult and Child Trauma Services – Mental health counseling for Illinois fellow. ACTS provides a safe space dedicated to supporting fellow healing, happiness and self-discovery.

Delta Health Alliance Behavioral Services – Mental health counseling for Mississippi fellows.

Career Preperation

PathwayU – Career path assessment tool that helps fellows explore career options based on interests and best fit.

Level All  Provide fellow with personalized, in-depth support and guidance to realize their lifelong dreams.

The Ideal Candidate – Empowering individuals with social and emotional skills for career success.

BravenX – Virtual fellowship for 4-year college enrolled fellows to gain the skills, confidence, networks and experiences they need to launch a strong career.