Meet our UtmostU Staff and Board

The UtmostU Staff and Board of Directors are made up of amazing people with a passion and expertise for guiding young adults toward every opportunity to succeed.

Meet The UtmostU Staff

Valerie Charles Headshot

Amanda Bates-Kravitz

Director of Programs

Kim Hawkins - Headshot

Rebecca Connie

Sr. Manager of Data Narration

Kim Hawkins - Headshot

John Dudley

Partnerships Consultant

Max Ebacher Headshot

Amy Huang

Executive Director

David Bennett Headshot

Kiana Kali

Communications Associate

Jasmine Nelson Headshot

Jasmine Nelson

Sr. Manager of Post-Secondary Coaching

Christine Witnik Headshot

Gabriella Pierre-Louis

Manager of Partnerships

Christine Witnik Headshot

Sandy Tran

Fundraiser & Grant Writer

Christine Witnik Headshot

Christine Witnik

Operations Consultant

Meet The UtmostU Board of Directors

Lauren Akainyah

Vice President of the Diverse Markets Channel, ADP

Pat Ford

Executive Director  at Steans Family Foundation

Shannon Fuller

Shannon Fuller

Vice President of Talent at Health Care Services Corp.

Daniel Johnson Headshot

Daniel Johnson

Digitial Specialist

Thackston Lundy Headshot

Thackston Lundy

Vice President of Workforce Pathways at Accelerate U, a division at National Louis University

Greg Mooney Headshot

Greg Mooney

Comer Science & Ed. Foundation

Mike Pincus Headshot

Mike Pincus

Retired Capital Markets and Commercial Banking Executive, BMO Financial Group

Ronald Seymore Headshot

Ronald Seymore

Advisory Managing Director
Enterprise Solutions, KPMG US

Eric Weinheimer Headshot

Eric Weinheimer

Senior Vice President and
Philanthropic Strategist  Nonprofit Consulting Services
Bank of America